Matthew O’Toole resigns as first Secretary of State.

Andrew Cooper
2 min readSep 12, 2023


WASHINGTON. D.C — In a surprising turn of events, former U.S. Secretary of State Matthew O’Toole has submitted his resignation to President. In a candid and forthright letter, O’Toole cites his reasons for stepping down, while also announcing his intention to seek the Republican nomination for the presidency. This abrupt departure signals a significant shift in the political landscape and raises important questions about the future of American diplomacy.

O’Toole’s resignation comes at a critical juncture, just as the nation gears up for a general election. He acknowledges his instrumental role in shaping the foreign policy of the administration, highlighting achievements such as ending the Russo-Anglo War peacefully, addressing global security challenges, and strengthening alliances. However, what stands out in his letter is the revelation that he served as an unofficial domestic policy advisor to the President, asserting that he played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the presidency.

The Secretary of State’s decision to resign is not taken lightly. He expresses gratitude for the honor and privilege of serving the American people for nearly three months. O’Toole also pays tribute to the dedicated men and women of the Department of State who tirelessly work to promote freedom around the world.

The most significant aspect of O’Toole’s resignation is his intention to run for the Republican nomination for President. In a remarkable twist, he points out that he has been discharging the duties of the presidency on behalf of the current administration, implying a lack of leadership and execution on the part of the President. O’Toole’s candid critique of the President’s performance suggests a deep divide within the party and raises questions about the President’s ability to lead effectively.

O’Toole’s parting words are a mix of gratitude and concern. He thanks the President and First Lady Julia for their kindness and friendship, but also delivers a pointed message, recommending that the President find someone capable of addressing the nation’s lackluster position as the leader of the free world.

This resignation letter from former Secretary of State Matthew O’Toole is a political bombshell that will undoubtedly reverberate through the corridors of power in Washington and across the nation. It marks a critical moment in American politics, where a high-ranking official has not only stepped down but also challenged the leadership of the sitting President from within their own party. As the nation watches with bated breath, the road to the general election promises to be fraught with intrigue and uncertainty.

