Senate launches investigation into First Lady’s potential slipup.

Andrew Cooper
1 min readJun 17, 2024


NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK — The First Lady, Margaret Mulligan, is under fire today following her comments on Twitter. Using her official government account, she posted a formal invitation to a health program. In the message, she stated that…

“These decisions were based off of access to individual medical records.”

Many questions then arose: How did the First Lady gain access to these records? Did she steal them? Did a doctor illegally provide personal medical records? Did the President supply the records? We reached out to the Congressional Physician’s Office, but they have yet to comment. Amid these new accusations, the Senate Judiciary Committee has launched an investigation. We asked the committee chair, Senator Marcus Hanson (R-TN), about the primary goal of this investigation.

Here was his response:

“Hello! The Judiciary Committee’s main goal during this investigation is to thoroughly examine the circumstances surrounding the alleged unauthorized access and dissemination of medical records by the First Lady. Our objective is to uphold the rule of law, protect the privacy rights of federal officials, and ensure accountability within the White House.”

The future of this investigation hangs in the balance as we await to see how effectively our democracy holds its officials accountable.

